Thursday, 16 May 2013

david beckham retires

I have read today that David Beckham will retire from football at the end of this season, this will be the third Manchester united person in the same week.

Although I am not a football fan I do understand for David Beckham to retire from something you love at the age of 38 must be hard. 

I know lots of sports people need to retire at a very young age . He his luckier than most as money will not be a problem but be stop something that his been a massive part in your life is tough. 

Work at its best should be something you love and enjoy but so few people ever get to experience this.

tornado texas

hi all

just reading the sad news about the tornado in  texas and thinking how lucky we are in the UK.  I know we do have tornados but nothing like the power of them in texas.

My heart goes out to all the family
